Japanese tech companies hiring software developers.


Osaka – https://nextmake.site

Comment From Founder of IT JOBs in Japan, Kotaro Muramoto

The company is located in Osaka City and has about 10 employees (including 8 engineers). 

The CEO is looking to expand business globally in the future (e.g., offshore development in Vietnam). They currently have a foreign employee from Indonesia and are actively promoting the multinationalization of their members.

This is a good opportunity for those who are looking for a career change in Osaka, or for those who, although at a junior level, would like to improve their skills in contracted system development and, in the future, PM or do their own services as well.


Nextmake is a system production company that has been expanding rapidly since its establishment in 2018 to the present.

They specialize in system development that leads to business improvement, and their development work covers a variety of platforms including PC, web, and smartphones. The company is performing well and is hiring new personnel one after another with a view to developing overseas services for the Asian region. 


The two pillars of the company's business are 

1) contracted system development for major clients, and 

2) in-house services for local information websites. 


Japanese SEs are in charge of customer interviews, requirement definition, and basic design, and they would like the programmer position to start from the development phase.

All of the current eight engineers have joined the company through referrals from employees, making it an easy place for engineers to work and settle in. Because they are able to accommodate the wishes of employees, which is an advantage not found in large SES companies.