【Modern Technology x High Salary】 Full Stack Engineer



Posted on 2023-11-02 15:04:35
💻 Full stack
🌐 Partial Remote
💰 8 M JPY
💰 15 M JPY
🇯🇵 Conversational (N3)

You will be responsible for creating our own business from 0 to 1, are wide-ranging. A variety of projects include advanced technology development, regional revitalization, office DX, and the use of generative AI. We are currently recruiting full-stack engineers to lead these projects from a technical perspective.

◆◆Job details

We will form a team with planning members led by people from strategic firms, and creative members from business companies and production companies, and will develop and R&D a variety of products and services, from web services to native apps. (You can be involved in the full stack from infrastructure to front desk.)
We have a variety of development themes. 

◆◆Charm of the position

① You will be able to lead a wide variety of development themes.
② You will develop while talking with strategy and creative specialists, so you will be able to hone your non-technical sensibilities.
③ With the mission of "increasing Japan's productivity," We are able to carry out development on a large scale.
④ We are involved in development themes all at once, so we are able to oversee product growth.
⑤ We are an organization that reports directly to executives, so we can work from a position closer to management.


・Experience involved in development from the requirements definition phase - Experience with modern languages ​​rather than legacy languages ​​such as php/C/C#/Java

・Do not specialize in one language, but have experience in multiple languages

・Among the following, there are some techniques in each area that you can confidently say you are good at. Infrastructure: AWS, GCP, Docker Backend: NodeJS, Go, Python Frontend: Typescript, React Mobile: Flutter

[Welcome (WANT)]

・PWA development experience

・Knowledge of design orientation

・0→1 development experience

・Agile development experience

・Experience as a Scrum Master or Tech Lead *About language skills We believe that Japanese language skills that allow you to communicate to some extent are preferred for this position. Interviews and document screening will be conducted in English, but post-employment training and e-learning are not yet available in English. There is no problem in communicating within the department after joining the company in English, but if you have Japanese language skills, work will proceed more smoothly and stress-free.